Friday, September 24, 2010


Okay, here's the deal.

I have not kept up with this blog and my photography the way I intended to.  I am going to take a break from it and begin January 1, 2011.  That way I have a chance to plan how I will incorporate this into my daily life. 

I came at this as a spur of the moment decision and while I am NOT giving up I am going to begin again with a clean slate.  See you in the new year.


Tuesday, August 31, 2010



This wasn't taken on a different day but I still like this photo.

We have promises that God has made to us and He has told us that this is the year of dreams come true..

 I believe that by the end of this year we will posses EVERY promise that He has made.  I will be able to look back at this and say, "See, He told us so."

I am so excited!!!



This picture shows a huge part of my life.  Singing with the praise and worship team at church.

I desire to live a life of worship to my Father God and savior Jesus Christ.  I am so thankful for the chance to praise Him with my church family.

 I used to sing all the time until I was about 15 years old.  At that time I had someone tell me that I was not a good singer.  From then on I did NOT sing in front of people.  About two years ago I had the desire begin in me to sing with the praise and worship team.  I mentioned this one time and then stayed back so God could do with it what He wanted.

I also came to the realization that I wanted God to change my voice.  "Lord, I want to sound like this one or sing as well as that one."  Finally I just prayed and asked God to anoint the voice that He gave me.  I only wanted to sound like He created me.

Last year we had a prophet come to our church and he told me that I should be singing and worshipping.  I went three days later and bought a CD to sing at church.  I think it was that act of obedience that did it because the next Sunday morning I was on the platform as a back up singer for the Praise Team.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


This is why you should always be prepared.

I once again got to the end of the day and was looking for a picture.  I went to the gas station to get something to drink.  As I was leaving with my soda (coke or pop, depending on what part of the country you are from.)  I thought I would drive around to see if there was anything interesting to photograph.

I drove behind the station and thought. "Wow, they have goats."
No, they were deer.  I was able to take about 13 pictures before they ran off.

This isn't the greatest picture.  And I have to confess that I took this on the Auto setting.  But I didn't know how long I would have and wanted the smallest margin of error.

I have to say that taking pictures on auto that turned out worse than my manual ones means that maybe I'm learning what I'm doing. 

Til tomorrow.  Bye all.

Monday, August 16, 2010


The moon in the day.

The reason I titled this Contradictions is because of the moon in the middle of the day.

The things in life that seem to contradict each other can sometimes bring beauty and sometimes bring mystery.  It's all in how we look at it.

Another thing that is affected by point of view is satisfaction.  There is always an opportunity in life to be happy.  The way we react to life has more to do with our attitude than our circumstances.

I can choose to focus on my blessings or my deprivations.  The thing is that when I look at what I don't have not only am I longing for something that I may never get but I am stealing the joy from what I am already blessed with.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


It's easy to find beauty in the small things.

This flower is by our porch.  Sometimes the most beautiful things are the things around us that we never really SEE. 

Why is it so easy to take the everyday things for granted?  A flower by your door, a laugh from your child or a day with your loved ones.

Overlooking the simple things is a habit that each of us needs to break.  Be thankful for every moment, large or small, that you have because no one knows when the last one will come.

Saturday, August 14, 2010



He (Elisha)...ran after Elijah and said, "Please let me kiss my father and my mother, then I will follow you."
1 Kings 19:20

Last night at the Lighthouse Ladies Conference Prophetess Tracy Quintana spoke about the mantle that was given to Elisha from Elijah. 

This picture is a reminder that the past makes us who we are but sometimes we have to let some things go before we can step into who God wants us to be.  I am ready to move into the future that God has for me.  I love the past and how strong I have become because of it, but I will have to kiss goodbye any part that holds me back.   

Help me to let go of anything that is preventing me from stepping into the purpose, will and destiny that You have for me.  And thank you for my grandmother and Godly parents that formed and shaped me into the woman I am today. 