Saturday, August 14, 2010



He (Elisha)...ran after Elijah and said, "Please let me kiss my father and my mother, then I will follow you."
1 Kings 19:20

Last night at the Lighthouse Ladies Conference Prophetess Tracy Quintana spoke about the mantle that was given to Elisha from Elijah. 

This picture is a reminder that the past makes us who we are but sometimes we have to let some things go before we can step into who God wants us to be.  I am ready to move into the future that God has for me.  I love the past and how strong I have become because of it, but I will have to kiss goodbye any part that holds me back.   

Help me to let go of anything that is preventing me from stepping into the purpose, will and destiny that You have for me.  And thank you for my grandmother and Godly parents that formed and shaped me into the woman I am today. 

One nation UNDER GOD...


I love this image of the flag in front of our courthouse.

As I was getting our van licensed yesterday I looked across the street to the courthouse and thought what a beautiful building it was and I had found my picture for the day.

I tried to get this shot of the flag in front of the steps but the wind had it tangled around the pole and then had stopped blowing so my shots were just not the way I envisioned.  I gave up and went to find something different.

As I was shooting I heard a jangling noise behind me and looked to see the flag standing straight out.  I quickly went back across the street and was able to get this shot.  I love it.

I have been feeling more patriotic lately since my husband began the Missouri Sherriff's Academy and soon he will be helping to uphold the laws that are brought forth in the halls of courthouses such as these all across our great country.

I pledge allegience to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands.  One nation, UNDER GOD, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.



We have flags at church that are used for praise!

Thursday night we started a three day Women's Conference at Lighthouse Ministry Center.  When I got there I realized that the day had gone by and I had not taken a picture.  The plan was to find something to shoot when I got home.  But as I was listening to Prophetess Tracy Quintana I noticed our praise flags and how beautiful they looked all lined up in the rack.  So when the service was over I took some pictures of them.  I honestly couldn't decide on my favorite so I combined the top two into one picture.

It was great that I did because at service the next night not one of these flags were left in the stand.  We had them out and were declaring some warfare with our prophetic praise and dancing as we waved them before the Lord.  It was a great service and I was very blessed.  My picture on Saturday will have more to do with that service on Friday.


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I saw this on the way to church and just had to capture it.

This is just a glimpse of the splendor and majesty of God's creation.  And of course one can never really do it justice in a photograph.

I took this at church and it just seemed so symbolic to my life right now.  As I was taking this a storm was rolling in.  There was lightning flashing to my right and thunder rumbling around me.  Yet here was the sun determined to be seen.

In my life, the storms seem to want to overtake me.  Yet I am determined to shine with the light of Christ and I will not let the storms hide who He is or who He is leading to be.

Stay true to Jesus and His light will break through and shine in your life and on those around you who so desperatly need Him.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


I am trying to learn how to shoot rays of sun.

Today was a hard photography day.  With Michael at school I have no way to go anywhere to take pictures.  So I had to make do with our house.  There is very little to photograph around our neighborhood.

I am also still trying to learn how to set my camera for the proper exposure.  I think it's just a matter of one step at a time. 

I can and I will improve.  In fact I have already gotten better in less than a week.  Onward and upward as they say.

See you tomorrow.

Monday, August 9, 2010


I love new school supplies.  They are just so full of endless potential.

We started our school year today so I thought that a picture of pencils was exactly right. 

I am so excited about this new year and ready to take the kids education to the next level. 

How am I doing as their teacher?  I know that I have my downfalls but the goal is to pick the worst one and fix it.  Then I will be ready to fix the next, and the next, and so on.  I should be an excellant teacher and exactly what they need about the time they graduate.

Honestly, homeschooling is only done by the grace of God and I would not be able to do it if I was not SURE of my calling to do so. 

That's right, I said calling.  If you are doing it because it is a decision and not something you have prayed over and know that this is what God has set for you to do I wish you luck.  There are those who can successfully teach that way but I am not one of them.  God is the reason I do this and the comfort I cling to when my day falls apart and it seems nothing was done right. 

It is those days of chaos that would make me change my mind if this were only a decision and not a calling.


Thank you, Jesus, for giving me strength to walk the path you have set before me.

Sunday, August 8, 2010


I love a cup of coffee in the mornings.

I am normally not a morning person but a cup of coffee always helps.

In the winter I can barely drag myself out of bed but in the summer I love to get up early and sit outside.  It's so nice before the heat kicks in and everyone gets up and starts stirring.  It's a chance to relax and start the day with a peaceful moment instead of a bang.

This also works well since I am going to concentrate this week on taking pictures during the golden hours.  One hour after sunrise and one hour before sunset.  I am trying to learn to use light correctly and do it all with the manual settings on my camera.  This means no help from anything that is preset. 

For example:  the above picture was the only one out of twenty-three that was acceptable.  I have a long ways to go with this photography thing.  But since this is only day 3 of 365, I guess I have a long time to get there.

See you tomorrow.  And hopefully I will have two good pictures to choose from.  That will mean I am twice as good tomorrow as I was today.  What more can you ask for, other than perfection?