Saturday, August 14, 2010


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I saw this on the way to church and just had to capture it.

This is just a glimpse of the splendor and majesty of God's creation.  And of course one can never really do it justice in a photograph.

I took this at church and it just seemed so symbolic to my life right now.  As I was taking this a storm was rolling in.  There was lightning flashing to my right and thunder rumbling around me.  Yet here was the sun determined to be seen.

In my life, the storms seem to want to overtake me.  Yet I am determined to shine with the light of Christ and I will not let the storms hide who He is or who He is leading to be.

Stay true to Jesus and His light will break through and shine in your life and on those around you who so desperatly need Him.

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